
Courses Online Enrolment  

IFS has enhanced its course enrolment system for convenience of applicants. IFS will accept course online enrolments starting from 05-Jun-2024.

Applicants can simply create a student account and enrol in courses online at any time.  Courses fees can be paid by "BoC Pay" apps or credit card (VISA / Master / Unionpay).  For details, please refer to the related information in the table below.

IFS also accepts enrolments in person.  For enrolment in person, please fill in and submit the enrollment form, and pay the tuition fee by cash, electronic payment or cheque (payable to "Macau Institute of Financial Services").  

Submitting enrolment forms by email and paying tuition fees by bank transfer will be cancelled at

For enquires, please call 2856 8280 during office hours.

Click here to IFS course page      

(Please note that according to the regulations prescribed by the Monetary Authority of Macao, taking the same course repeatedly within 3 years will result in CPD hours awarded only for the completion of the first course during the said time period.)

Courses enrolment related information (in PDF format)

Course Handbook

Course Online Enrollment Instructions                 
Course Online Enrollment InfoGraphics               
Enrollment Form  (for enrolment in person)