Notice: Increase the IIQE fee

Release date:2023/02/03
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In order to provide a more convenient way for candidates to enrol in the “Insurance Intermediaries Qualifying Examination (IIQE)”, the Macau Institute of Financial Services (IFS) has developed the IIQE online enrolment system, which has been launched since November 2021.

Taking into consideration that the IFS has made significant investments to develop and enhance the online enrolment and examination systems, and the fact that IFS has not raised the IIQE fees since 2008, IFS will increase the IIQE fee for each paper from MOP120 to MOP150 with effect from 01 April 2023.

IFS would like to thank you for your understanding and support.

February 3, 2023 
Macau Institute of Financial Services

 NOTICE NO. 01/2023-IFS Insurance Intermediaries Qualifying Examination Fee
