Summer Internship program for university students 2024

Summer Internship Program (SIP) is a pre-career experience program launched by the Macau Institute of Financial Services (IFS) and local financial institutions since 2018, aiming to provide internship opportunities for local university students in various financial institutions. Through the SIP, students can acquire knowledge of different financial and insurance products, as well as other businesses of financial institutions. This enables them to have a better understanding of the operations and prospects of the financial industry, which facilitates them to perform better advanced career planning.

Summer Internship Program 2024

I. Banking Area

   A. Fintech Career Accelerator Scheme 

   B. Banking Operations Apprenticeship Program

   C. Financial Leasing Apprenticeship Program 

   D. Financial Risk Management Apprenticeship Program

   E. Macau-Henqin Finance Apprenticeship Program

II. Insurance Area

   F. Life Insurance Operations Apprenticeship Program

   G. General Insurance Operations Apprenticeship Program 


Internship period: Interns will participate a 4-week internship during June, July or August.


This program is for students who are

  • Macau residents, 18 years old or above; and

  • Full-time undergraduates studying in the first to third year of bachelor's degree in local or overseas universities, third-year students will be given prior selection.


Prospective candidates must submit their applications with the following documents:

  1. Application Form                 

  2. Personal Data Consent Form      

  3. Copy of Macau Resident Identity Card

  4. Copy of Student ID 

  5. Copy of Academic Transcript

  6. Personal resume (attached 1.5-inch color photo)

For submission:

  • by hand 
    (Address: Av. Sidónio Pais, No. 1-B, Edif. Tung Hei Kok, R/C – Macau)

  • by Mail ( same address as above ) 

  • by Email (address: )

Application period

From March 18 to April 12, 2024.

 Internship Institutions  (Chinese version only)

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